Technical direction of the X-15 program had been assigned to the
National Advisory Committy for Aeronautics (NACA, the predecessor of
NASA). Design and construction of the research aircraft had been
assigned to the Air Force. The Air Force sent invitation-to-bid letters
to 12 Aerospace companies on December 30, 1954. Nine of these companies
participated in a bidders' conference oon January 18, 1955. One
day before that conference the Air Force notified NACA that this would
be Air Force Project 1226, and that the aircraft designation would be
Several of the remaining contractors dropped out in the following
months, leaving Bell, North Douglas, North American, and Republic as
those who submitted proposals for the May 9th deadline to the Air Force
at Wright Field (Wright Patterson Air Force Base). On May 11th the Air
Force sent technical data for the proposals to evaluation groups at
the Wright Air Development Center (WADC), Air Research and
Development Command (ARDC), NACA, and Navy, requesting responses
by June 22nd.
Part of the package for evaluation of the proposals was a set of 9 8x10
photographs of design models for all of the proposals. The photo above
compares all four proposed designs and a similarly scaled model of the
Bell X-1A design, which also had been manufactured as the X-1B and the
Here are other photographs in this set, with two for each of the
competing design submissions. Click on any photo for a high resolution
Bell Aircraft |
Douglas Aircraft |
North American Aviation |
Republic Aircraft |
Good references in print for
history of design selection for the X-15 (Air Force Project 1226):
The Story of the North American X-15
Dennis R. Jenkins
X-15 The
NASA Mission Reports
Robert Godwin, editor
Apogee Books
Hypersonics Before
the Shuttle
Dennis R. Jenkins
2003, NASA Publication SP-2000-4518
(Monographs in Aerospace History, Number 18)
Documents source: Original
photographic prints in this web author's collection